People often ask me to advise on their first teleseminar. This is expected. After all, they go to try something new. It's something that's a bit 'scared. And it is something that is definitely way out of their comfort zone.
I usually point them articles I on teleseminars and courses I've done on the topic. But every now and again someone, if I ask what the most important advice I can you. And that's a much more difficultTo answer questions.
A teleseminar is no simple matter. It is not only how to write an article for the purposes of trafficking. It is an intricate part of learning content creation. Maybe not as complex as an eBook, but at the usual hour to an hour and a half is still a complex task.
And that means that there are a lot of tips to choose from.
There are also a lot of different levels, no matter you choose the best advice for all levels.
I mean from the perspective of the processbest advice is probably to use a system to create learning content. I, of course, prefer a high quality process, but each system is better than nothing.
From the perspective of the presentation is to provide advice to stand up and smile. You can hear your smile over telephone lines. It seems silly, but it's true. Your smile affects the energy that you put into your voice. And you know the people. The same goes with your position. If you are standing, walking bring energyIn his speech, and people can feel, know that your breath is different because it puts your arms in a different way. You get more oxygen. You have more passion in your voice.
From the perspective of the design is the advice of a circle three cognitive frames, which is part of the border. Since there are no images associated with a teleseminar necessary to lower the number of points as possible to keep up with a webinar. But still you do not want the number of points to sink into banalityArea. If you organize everything by three points have a teleseminar much better because the people are able to retain information.
And of course there is always the old standby of practice, practice, practice. Teleseminars are a form of public speaking. And like all other speeches, which will work best if they have practiced. So, before you practice your first teleseminar ever, practice, practice.
But the most important advice I canamong the least useful and influential. It affects everything else. If you follow your personality shine and your teleseminar is a success. If you ignore the public locked and does not walk.
What is your advice?
Relax and have fun!
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