Your Back!
The back is a complex structure of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and other tissues. It is broken up into two sections: Thoracic and Lumbar spine. The spine's duties include protecting the nervous system. The central nervous system or CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system or PNS consists of all the nerves the branch of off the the central nervous system. The spinal joints also provide entrance and existing points for the PNS. Spacing between the joints is provided by the Intervertebral discs. The bony structure, the assortment of soft tissue, and the cushioning discs are all vital. All parts move together in concert, depending on each other to do their part. When one part of this intricate structure misfires or is damaged it will lead to certain pain patterns that distinguish themselves from other problems. By correctly identifying the source of the problem , a correct treatment can be provided.
What causes back pain and how do we treat it?
• The first element to check is the structure. The 17 bones of the back form a distinct shape with an upper posterior curve and a lower anterior curve. Each union of two bones is called a joint. If altered or lost, this could have severe affects on spinal health. Each joint maintains a certain amount of motion. When allotted motion is not present the joint is now restricted or 'subluxated'. This subluxation can irritate the local nerve roots. Irritated or chaffed nerve roots can lead to pain, inflammation, and other problems. On a more complex scale, scoliosis is a common condition that affects the whole length of the spine. Scoliosis and other conditions are can be most accurately diagnosed via X-Ray analysis. If not addressed early on in life it could lead to irregular curves and abnormal structure. Weather an individual joint dysfunction or more complex scoliosis issues, joint misalignment is addressed with the chiropractic adjustment. The adjustment restores normal motion to the joints of the back and helps remove the pain.
• The second aspect of the spine to check are the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These three parts work together to hold the soft tissue of the spine to the bones, move the bones, and hold the bones to each other. Each is comprised of smaller tissues that when stressed can rip or tear. These are called sprain-strain injuries. When this happens the body will react by causing pain, inflammation, and spasming in these areas. These symptoms, like the joint restriction, can irritate and interfere with the local nerves and nerve roots. This is a common cause of pain for athletes and those stressing their bodies in work or at play. It's victims range from stay-at-home mothers to farmers and field workers. In the case of tissue damage the body will heal. What should be avoided is incorrect healing of those damaged tissues. Controlling the inflammation and pain with such therapies as cold packs and interfertial currents will help the body heal correctly. Combining these treatments with the adjustment of the joints near those tissues will give the body its best change to heal properly.
• The third cause of your back pain could very well be neither of the prior two, but could be related to the intervertebral discs. The discs are the shock absorbers of the spine. They provide a cushion for all the up and down forces the body faces each day. They are comprised of fibrous outer layer and gelatinous inner layer. They should be thick and full of water-like inner materials. When they begin to degenerate they thin down and become brittle. When this first stage of degeneration occurs the discs become much more likely to herniate or bulge. If and when they do, they will begin to push outwards and backwards on the spinal nerves themselves and cause radiating and burning pain to shoot down the legs. This pain can come on at an instant and remain constant for days, weeks, and even years if not addressed. The best way to treat this type of back pain is spinal decompression therapy (S. D. T.). Spinal decompression therapy is scientifically proven to help restore disc height and reduce herniation. Decompression therapy will remove the pressure on the nerves by extracting the bulging forces from the disc. Combined with the chiropractic adjustment, S.D.T. can restore normal function to discs and their accompanying joint structures.
Who can treat my back pain?
Doctors of Chiropractic are experts in the cause and the treatment of neuro-musculo-skeletal diseases. Their graduate education consists of a core curriculum of the basic sciences like a medical doctor: physiology, anatomy, radiology, and embryology. As they continue their courses become more complex: pathophysiology, physical diagnosis, advanced radiology, clinical nutrition, and bone pathology. All the while they spend hundreds of hours in technique classes learning how to correctly perform a variety of chiropractic adjustment techniques. The difference in the Medical Doctors curriculum and that of a Chiropractor is seen in the latter years. Medical doctors focus their studies on medicine whereas Chiropractors spend their time focusing on mastering their skills as hands on manual adjusters of the spine. Before they can graduate, they must complete a clinical internship. During this internship they are overseen by doctors of chiropractic who teach them in a clinical setting. All interns must meet hourly and treatment requirements before graduating. The education received by a Doctor of Chiropractic is thorough and involved. Continued education is mandated by each state that your chiropractor works in. This education helps keep the doctors up to speed on the latest research and techniques to better perform his responsibilities as a health care provider.
We have so many choices these days in the health care world. The medical field offers its strengths, but it does not have all the answers to your problems. Chiropractic is a safe and effective treatment for back pain and many other ailments. If you or someone you know is suffering, make the decision today. Find a chiropractor that can restore you and your loved ones back to health.
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Article Added on Friday, September 23, 2011
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